Monday 19 August 2013

Chocolate Weetabix Traybake

So while on maternity leave waiting for baby to arrive, I have been searching for new things to bake and I came across this recipe on the BBC Good Food recipe. I had also run out of eggs at the time and so needed to find a recipe that didnt need them!

This reminds me of something my Aunt used to make and it is really quick and simple to make.

150g butter
1 tsp Vanilla extract
130g Self raising flour
80g Dessicated coconut
200g Catser sugar
1 tbsp cocoa powder
3 Weetabix, crushed up

100g Dark/plain chocolate
1 tbsp Butter
3 tbsp Icing sugar

1. Preheat over to 180 C or Gas mark 4 and line a 9" / 22cm square (or equivalent) baking tray with greaseproof paper.

2. Melt butter and vanilla extract in a saucepan over a low heat

3. While this is melting mix together all of the dry ingredients.

4. Add the melter butter to the dry ingredients and combine until well mixed. This may take a bit of effort but do persevere!

5. Tip mix into baking tray and press down evenlyinto corners. Then place in oven for 20 mins and once cooked, allow to cool for an hour

6.  Melt the butter and chocolate together for the icing. Add the icing sugar to get a nice spreadable icing consistency. I found, I didnt need the whole 3 tbsp. Spread evenly across the surface and leave to set before cutting.

1. Do get the quantity of dry ingredients and butter pretty exact. I was a bit too relaxed with the flour and added too much then had trouble combining all the ingredients so had to add a smidge more butter, which is a pain as you have to melt it first.
2. Original recipe from BBC Good Food website

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